Distributors need a modern-day activity costing model to turn around activity-negative customers.

Scott Benfield
Scott Benfield is a consultant for B2B Manufacturers and Distributors. He is the author of six books and numerous research projects on B2B channels. He can be reached at benfield.scott@aol.com or (630) 640-5605.
Articles by Scott Benfield
How to avoid sapping earnings as sales grow.
Distributors need to embrace a new method for organic growth: structured market targeting.
Build a process to evaluate online-channel partners to determine if partnering with them is profitable.
Improve Return on Time Invested by focusing on new products and new technologies.
As distributors consolidate, growth becomes far more complex than a singular sales call.
7 examples of common dead-skunk pricing practices distributors need to let go of.
Industrial distributors, purveyors of commodity products, need a more targeted, tangible, and manageable aspect of value add.
Services go through predictable stages and become mature, price-sensitive and commoditized.
Value can be defined, marketed and delivered in such a way that it improves profitability.